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The purpose of the Association is to promote the welfare and mutual interests of the members, to conduct meetings and programs for the continuing education of the members and to work toward the enactment of legislation pertaining to matters of concern to circuit courts in order to better serve the people of the State of Missouri in the administration of justice.
The association meets annually in the spring each year for an annual meeting of its members. Annual dues are $200 and members may attend the annual conference at no additional cost. Learn more about the annual conference.
All sitting judges and commissioners of the State of Missouri, and all judges and commissioners, who at the time they left active judicial service were members of the Association, shall, upon payment of annual dues or registration at the annual meeting, be members of this Association. All retired judges who were members of the Association immediately prior to retirement shall continue as members of the Association, upon annual registration, but shall be exempt from any annual dues or registration fee.
The Board of Directors consists of twelve (12) directors to be elected from the membership of the Association at the annual meeting. Directors shall serve for one year or until their successors are duly elected. In addition, the four officers and immediate Past President shall also be ex-officio voting members of the Board of Directors.
The President's Award is presented annually to a current or former Missouri Judge or Commissioner who is recognized as having a reputation for and commitment to judicial excellence, has demonstrated a consistent and significant contribution to the betterment of the judiciary, and has exemplified integrity and adherence to the highest principles and traditions of the legal profession.
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